Showing 126 - 135 of 135 Results
Rapin of Gardens. a Latin Poem. in Four Books. English'd by Mr. Gardiner. the Second Edition... by Rapin, Rene, Rene Rapin ISBN: 9781379499435 List Price: $25.95
Two Odes from the Latin of the Celebrated Rapin, Imitated in English Pindaricks. by a Gentle... by Rapin, Rene, Rene Rapin ISBN: 9781379492139 List Price: $19.95
Foy des Derniers Si�cles (Classic Reprint) by Rapin, Rene ISBN: 9780364093740 List Price: $28.29
Dissertatio de Carmine Pastorali / Dissertation Sur le Poeme Pastoral by Rapin, Rene, Thouvenin, Pas... ISBN: 9782812429491
De Carmine Pastorali by Rapin, Rene ISBN: 9789354754685
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